Dungeons & Dragons Music & Ambient Sounds
2 Month DUNGEONS & DRAGONS Subscription
Complete access to ALL of Syrinscape Fantasy PLUS ownership of all future DUNGEONS & DRAGONS and General Fantasy SoundSets.
* Charged at $14.30 every 2 months
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Included: Fantasy Subscription
The library of amazing fantasy content grows every single month as we add more and more classic monster encounters, NPCs, and new exotic locations. Plus official content for DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, Pathfinder and more. Keep building your library by remaining a subscriber! Take a look at our Release Schedule to see what new content is coming soon!
Consider a SuperSyrin subscription instead? Upgrade to a SuperSyrin and get everything above and below PLUS: Sci-Fi content; Board Game content; use of the Syrinscape Online Player and all its inbuilt SoundSet customization and creation tools; and access to the ever growing library of Community Content and more!
PLUS: While you remain a subscriber, all new DUNGEONS & DRAGONS and General Fantasy SoundSets we release will be added to your permanent library, as if you bought them.
Here's the complete list of content you can access: