SuperSyrin Subscription: Unlock EVERYTHING in the Syrinscape Library
2 Month SuperSyrin Subscription
Complete access to ALL of Syrinscape Fantasy, Sci-Fi and Board Game content PLUS access to Syrinscape's SoundSet creation tools and community content
$10.99 per month*
* Charged at $21.98 every 2 months
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A SuperSyrin subscription gives you:
- Access to Syrinscape's entire library of immersive ambience and RPG music to bring your tabletop games to life
- Handcrafted support for all your favorite adventures - DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, Pathfinder, Starfinder, Call of Cthulhu, Cyberpunk Red RPG, Catan and so much more
- Every possible location and monster encounter you will ever need for your homebrew adventures
- Local play with the Fantasy Player App or Sci-Fi Player App
- Local or remote play with the Web Player (in browser) or Online Player App
- SoundSet creation tools and storage on the Syrinscape servers, completely customize Syrinscape's existing content and upload your own samples and music, then sync across all your devices
- Access to Community Content, our huge and growing library of great SoundSets built by you.
PLUS: While you remain a subscriber, all new Boardgame, DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, Pathfinder, General Fantasy and Sci-Fi SoundSets we release will be added to your permanent library, as if you bought them.
Here's the complete list of content you can access: