Sci-fi Sounds & Music: Market street 2076

USD 4.40

Embark on a cosmic adventure with Syrinscape's intergalactic soundscapes, capturing the majesty of the universe in your RPG.

The neon lights shine brightly, harsh animated screens advertise the latest exotic delights, hover-cars wiz by, and a massive power assisted mech lumbers past. This is the sort of market where you can buy absolutely anything you might imagine. Surely they'll sell the materials you have been looking for. Surely this time!

Did you know Syrinscape's sci-fi collection has custom audio for futuristic combat, immersing players in the action with laser blasts and shield hums?

Once purchased or unlocked with a subscription, this content will appear in the Web Player and by default in the Syrinscape Sci-Fi Player app, but you can make it appear in any of the apps by using the Campaign Manager.

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SoundSet Specifics


No So Busy
Neo Tokyo
Alley Market


During a Rain
Crowd Ambience : Vendors
Crowd Ambience : Loiterers
Foot Traffic
Vehicle Traffic
Advertisement Echoes
Asian Undertones
Neon Lights
Walking Mech
Nearby Explosion


Market Street 2076

The music and sound effects in this SoundSet were imagined, composed, compiled, designed, created, processed and mixed by Gil Luna for, using samples created by him and also the following list of users from the collaborative Internet database of creative-commons licensed sounds

hugobeaumont, (
polymorpheva, (
sagetyrtle, (
ikbenraar, (
ninebilly, (
felix-blume, (
alchemical, (
freqman, (
snotch, (

Icons made by:
Lorc, (
Delapouite, (
John Colburn, (Ninmu Nanmu)
Felbrigg, (
Available on