Starfinder Music & Sound Effects: Starfinder Society Special: Claim to Salvation

USD 6.60

The roar of engines and the clank of airlocks are at your command with our high-quality spaceship sound effects.

Following the disastrous Scoured Stars Incident, the Starfinder Society fights to remain relevant as the rest of the galaxy moves on. With surviving agents stretched to their limits, the First Seeker launches a desperate bid to search the false moon of Salvation's End. Will the mission reveal a discovery that can stabilize the Society long enough for a new generation of Starfinders to come to the fore? Players use 4th-level versions of the Starfinder iconic characters in this debut special event of the Starfinder Society Roleplaying Guild.

Is this Starfinder Quest SoundPack useful when I'm not running a Starfinder Adventure?
Yes, included in this SoundSet is:
* a noisy hanger bay
* the sounds of a smooth starship
* a windy outdoor landing pad
* sounds you could use for an exotic alien sauna (ew)
* a technoid goblin lair
* a battle with Space Goblins!!
* a command centre
* and an epic battle with the BorgorBago!

Did you know with Syrinscape, you can create a soundtrack for your character's backstory, enriching role-play with personal themes and motifs?

Once purchased or unlocked with a subscription, this content will appear in the Web Player and by default in the Syrinscape Sci-Fi Player app, but you can make it appear in any of the apps by using the Campaign Manager.

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SoundSet Specifics


Hangar bay
Approaching Varos
Sauna landing pad
Inside Sauna
Arriving at Salvation
Beware Goblins
Command center
Spirit hole


Goblin Song
Sauna music
Salvation battle music
Mainframe alarm
Gravel walk
AC hum
Serene Windchimes
Pistol - Flame
Laser - Small
Sonic - Small
Pistol - Light
Rifle - Heavy
Hangar ambience
Work tools
Welding sparks
Electric shocks
Crowd ambience
Servos & lifts
Solar wind
Electricity discharge
Solar Flares
Pulsating Power Source
Ceiling Fan
Organic Matter
Sauna people
Asteroid flyby
Space Suit Breath
Blip noises
Cryptic signals
Vertigo resonance
Impulse reactor
Hull resonance
Plasma release
Miasmic gouts
Slip resonance
Ram drive - medium
Spirit hole computers
CC life support
Salvaging goblins
Things dropped
Goblins attack
Spirit hole suspense
Official Starfinder
Tractor Beam
Sauna entry procedure
Prison door open
Prison door close
Varos approach
Pistol - Flame
Laser - Small
Pistol - Light
Sonic - Small
Rifle - Heavy
Spore trap
Exhaust trap
Audiolog Bago
Audiolog Borgor
Audiolog Lifewire
Audiolog Snips
Audiolog Don


sfs1 Claim to Salvation (Society Special 1-00)

This SoundSet was imagined, compiled, designed, created, mixed and finished by Chris Koerding for, using existing samples from the Syrinscape server and addition samples created by him, including:

Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
"Wind Chimes, A.wav" by InspectorJ of
"flaektblad.wav" by fastson of
"130504__duckduckpony__slow-flyby-landing.wav"by duckduckpony of

Licensed under Creative Commons: 0 License
"184459__fliegermatze__bottle-smash-1.wav" by fliegermatze of
"121998__willungawillunga__abandoned-ballroom-big-metal.wav" by willungawillunga of
"234044__raspberrytickle__creepy-whispering.wav" by RaspberryTickle of
"232145__raspberrytickle__demon-grumble-whisper.wav" by RaspberryTickle of
"238650__manwe__manwe-metal-tools-on-concrete.wav" by Manwe of
"350809__thaighaudio__071616-metal-lid-drops.wav" by thaigaudio of
"186731__zaphod1984__freight-elevator.wav" by zaphod1984 of
"185414__felix-blume__lift-going-up.wav" by Felix Blume of


Goblins, Borgor voices and Audiologs performed and recorded by Chris Koerding

Goblin song composed and recorded by Benjamin Loomes for performed by Benjamin Loomes and Chris Koerding

"Vulcan" composed, performed and recorded by Kevin MacLeod (
"Volatile Reaction" composed, performed and recorded by Kevin MacLeod (

Icons made by:
Lorc, (
Delapouite, (
John Colburn, (Ninmu Nanmu)
Felbrigg, (
Available on
And Karen Loomes for

Starfinder Society Roleplaying Guild Quest "Claim to salvation" © 2017. Paizo Inc., the Paizo golem logo, and Starfinder logo, are trademarks of Paizo Inc. SoundSet © 2017. Sounds created under license with Paizo Inc.

Scenario written by Larry Wilhelm.

Art provided by Paizo Inc.