Starfinder Music & Sound Effects: Starfinder handheld weapons
Give your space explorers the thrill of interstellar travel with Syrinscape's premium spaceship sound effects.
Sounds to match up with every handheld weapon in the Starfinder Core Rulebook. Small, long, heavy and sniper builds of every energy class of sci-fi weapon you could want. Pew pew! Plus light and heavy conventional firearms too, in case you want to Pow pow as well!
Did you know Syrinscape can simulate day and night cycles with its soundscapes, adapting the audio environment to your game's time of day?
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SoundSet Specifics
Stop all
Cryo - Small
Cryo - Long
Cryo - Sniper
Cryo - Heavy
Flame - Small/Long
Flame - Heavy
Laser - Small
Laser - Long
Laser - Sniper
Laser - Heavy
Machine gun - Light
Machine gun - Heavy
Plasma - Small
Plasma - Long
Plasma - Sniper
Plasma - Heavy
Pistol - Light
Pistol - Heavy
Rifle - Light
Rifle - Heavy
Scatter - pump
Scatter - Light
Scatter - Heavy
Shock - Small
Shock - Long
Shock - Sniper
Shock - Heavy
Sonic - Small
Sonic - Long
Sonic - Sniper
Sonic - Heavy
Official Starfinder
Cryo - Small
Cryo - Long
Cryo - Sniper
Cryo - Heavy
Flame - Small/Long
Flame - Heavy
Laser - Small
Laser - Long
Laser - Sniper
Laser - Heavy
Machine gun - Light
Machine gun - Heavy
Plasma - Small
Plasma - Long
Plasma - Sniper
Plasma - Heavy
Pistol - Light
Pistol - Heavy
Rifle - Light
Rifle - Heavy
Scatter - pump
Scatter - Light
Scatter - Heavy
Shock - Small
Shock - Long
Shock - Sniper
Shock - Heavy
Sonic - Small
Sonic - Long
Sonic - Sniper
Sonic - Heavy
Starfinder - Handheld weapons
This SoundSet was imagined, compiled, designed, created, mixed and finished by Benjamin Loomes and Kyle Johnson for Syrinscape Pty Ltd, using: commercial sample libraries; samples created by Syrinscape; and also the following list of samples from the collaborative Internet database of creative-commons licensed sounds,
"electrobass3" by "gellski"
"bass-short-001" by "oscii"
uzk-bass-sweep-01" by "mauxuam"Key: "sample name" by "username".
Icons made by:
Lorc, (
Delapouite, (
John Colburn, (Ninmu Nanmu)
Felbrigg, (
Available on
And Karen Loomes for
© 2017. Paizo Inc., the Paizo golem logo and Starfinder are trademarks of Paizo Inc. SoundSet © 2017. Sounds created under license with Paizo Inc.
Art provided by Paizo Inc.